Gandhi Ji Quiz

Gandhi Ji Quiz

Illuminer Council, Mata Sundri College

Date : 09-10-2021

Register by : 09-10-2021

Eligibility : All

Mode : Online

Team : Individual



Greetings “Strength does not come from physical capacity it comes from an indomitable will.”
The will of humans, being a gigantic force drives us and our inquisitive minds Keeping this thought of Gandhi Ji alive Illuminer counsel, Mata Sundari chapter brings to you a quiz related to the father of the nation
Let’s spare few minutes to dig deep into the life of Gandhi Ji and pay our tribute to the great soul by answering some questions about his journey, his philosophy, and his struggles.
Register below and don’t miss the opportunity to amplify knowledge
Rewards & Prizes
Shoutout to winners and certificates


Shoutout to winners


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