Mind Scribbles 2.0

Mind Scribbles 2.0

Samagra Foundation

Date : 24-09-2021 to 03-10-2021

Register by : 02-10-2021

Eligibility : All

Mode : Online

Team : Individual


It is an online general quiz for college students from 11th standard & professionals.
Eligibility: All participants who wish to take up the challenge are welcome.
Process: Register for the quiz before 11:59 PM, October 2nd, 2021
  • The quiz consists of 20 questions (30 seconds to answer each question) Different questions related to logical reasoning, general knowledge, etc., questions will be there
  • No negative marks
  • You are not allowed to open another tab in the browser or another browser window on the same or different device

Key Instructions:

  • You can access the assessment from the opportunity page itself where you registered. –
  • You’ll see a button in the respective round if you’ve registered to initiate the assessment, –
  • Only the person who registered will be able to take the assessment.
  • In case of team registration, the team leader who registered the team will be able to take the assessment. –
  • Every participant/team will be ranked on accuracy (score) and speed (time of last question answered).
  • This means that if two participants/teams have the same score, then the participant/team that answered their last question earlier will be ranked higher.
  • You’ll be able to browse through the questions. –
  • You’ll have to submit answers/code/solutions to all the questions individually.
  • While you are taking the assessment, your answers/code/solutions and time of their submission are also tracked by the system question-wise.
  • You’ll be able to modify your answers during the assessment.
  • Any participant resorting to unfair practices will be directly disqualified from the challenge.
  • All decisions in the matter of eligibility, authenticity & final judgment will be with Dare2Compete and the opportunity organizer.

Winner certificate, First and Second runner up certificate

Participation Certificate