Spring Fest's Hitch Hike Nation Wide Prelims

Spring Fest, the esteemed cultural extravaganza hosted by the Indian Institute ofTechnology, Kharagpur, is embarking on an extraordinary artistic odyssey. Theprestigious Hitch Hike Nation Wide Prelims will grace twelve vibrant cities across thenation, transcending geographical boundaries and heralding a celebration of talent.

This grand journey unfolds from October 21 – 30, inviting aspiring artists and performersto register at nwp.springfest.in and demonstrate their skills and creativity on a diversestage.

From the pulsating heart of Delhi to the vibrant rhythms of Mumbai, and from the culturalkaleidoscope of Bangalore to the artistic spirit of Hyderabad, this adventure promises aspectacular showcase of talent across dance, music, dramatics, literary arts, and more.Participants hailing from each city will bring their unique flair and passion to light up thestage, adding their hues to the grand canvas of creativity.

In Delhi, the dance floor will come alive, an explosion of rhythm and movement. Mumbaiwill resonate with melodious tunes, an enchanting melody sweeping the city. Pune willbecome a playground for intellect and creativity, testing the very bounds of imagination.Bangalore will witness thespian prowess, the stage a canvas for dramatic tales, whileHyderabad will celebrate the vivacity of artistic expression.

Ahmedabad, Nagpur, and Indore will blend their unique cultural flavors, displaying afusion of diverse artistic talents. Lucknow will echo with literary expressions, weavingtales of eloquence and imagination. Visakhapatnam will reverberate with poetic verses,resonating with the beauty of words. Jaipur will exude a royal display of artistic finesse,embodying the city’s regal heritage. Chandigarh, with a blend of contemporary andtraditional genres, will add its distinctive touch to this grand artistic voyage.

This exceptional journey through these 12 different cities with more than 500 colleges,aptly named “Hitch Hike – Nation Wide Prelims” is an ode to the aspirations and dreamsof countless individuals. Spring Fest is prepared to unveil the boundless talent thatthrives within the heart of India, promising an exhilarating cultural adventure in every cityit visits. Get ready for a journey of artistic exploration and creativity that knows nobounds, a symphony of talent and passion that will resonate across the nation.

Visit nwp.springfest.in and social media handles Facebook, Instagram, Twitter andLinkedIn.